The read onsite Digisonde Drift analysis package (RDODDA) allows further manipulation of the skymap, velocity, quality control data formats produced by the DDAS, DDAV, GDDAV programs. The program exports requested data-sets to simple ASCII column formatted data files for ease of use by external plotting or data manipulating programs. Simple put this application allows the experimenter to get at the Digisonde generated data-sets without the need to write extra code to unpack the DDA proprietary data formats.
RDODDA runs under a DOS (VM) command line environment using simple option menus to make requests for certain data sets, to meet specific requirements. Since the number of possible option combinations offered by RDODDA are numerous, the following examples are provided as a guide. Most of these examples have been generated on specific request by researchers requiring access to certain DDA data types. If you have a specific requirement that is not listed here and would like to know how or if RDODDA can be used please send a description to the author at
Exercise_1 : Number of Sources option. In this exercise RDODDA will be used to extract to the output file "Sky.dat" the Day number, time, average sounding frequency , group range, amplitude, and number of sources for individual subcases, or over a group of subcases.
Exercise_2 : Dump of Skymap source point information. In this exercise RDODDA will be used to extract to the output file "Sky.dat" the time (UT), Zenith, Azimuth; Range (km), Frequency (MHz), Amplitude (dB), Most Probable Amplitude (MPA), Least squares fit RMS error, Doppler Frequency shift (Hz) and line of sight velocity (m/s) information for each source detected and stored in the skymap file
Exercise_3 :In this exercise RDODDA will be used to extract to the output file "Vel.dat" the time (UT), Vertical velocity, horizontal magnitude, horizontal Azimuthal angle, horizontal North-South component, horizontal East-West component, root mean-square error, velocity line of sight, line of sight RMS error, and Filter % of sources. The data is extracted from the *.vel files generated from the DDAV package and placed in flat column formatted files for use with other packages.
Exercise 1 | Exercise 2 | Exercise 3
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